We are a grass roots coalition of citizens of New Braunfels and the surrounding area. We are actively working to encourage responsible growth in New Braunfels.  We also stand up against council as they try to silence opposition to their reckless and irresponsible growth policies.  We stand for more police, more local parks, greenspace and proper roads before the city allows more zoning changes to high density apartments that cause overcrowding in the community. We are overflowing with people. We cannot sustain more people at this time.  Growth will happen.  But for now, we must leave the zoning as it is until the city can more responsibly plan and develop our great city.  Help us save New Braunfels!  Join on Facebook by clicking here or subscribe below to receive email notifications.

Welcome to Citizens of New Braunfels for Responsible Growth watch our videos here!

Please join us below and ask for a link to our private server.  Server is for active members joining in the fight to save the soul of New Braunfels!

Frequently Asked Questions

How did you first become involved with local efforts to speak up about growth in the city?

Members of Citizens of New Braunfels for Responsible Growth, have noticed for a while that the city was in the habit of overcrowding many areas of the city without any infrastructure to support the increase of population.

When was CNBRG formed?

It was formed organically. Many of us met at the city council meetings and started talking about the issues and eventually the group was formed earlier this year. People in the community started talking to each other about the irresponsible, unchecked growth of our city. We started getting organized on how to deal with the negative impacts on our wonderful hometown by the policies and voting of our city council and mayor. 

What is your primary concern regarding growth in New Braunfels?

The danger to the citizens of New Braunfels by increasing at a rate that doesn’t allow infrastructure to keep up with the demands of more population. i.e., Police, Fire Stations, EMS, Roads, Utility Services, and Schools. It is diminishing the day-to-day quality of life for everyone with overcrowding and lack of neighborhood parks. To add to that concern is a lack of an Emergency Plan for the city, by the city.

What do you want to see the city do to address your concerns?

Responsible growth. The city needs to put in the infrastructure before allowing more development that increases the population of New Braunfels. They currently justify allowing development to go on for years before they do anything to address the problems increasing population creates. They say it is so the developers can pay for road and utility improvements without having to go to the voters for bonds or raise taxes. Yet, they still do both of those. The developers can still pay for those items. The city can do the improvements, developers can reimburse the city upon such time the developer starts the project. We would like to see a pause in the rezoning that would allow more apartments, excluding the existing projects in the works.

How do you think the city could best handle the quickly growing population?

Each application should be evaluated based on the cumulative effects of growth and density at the time of the new development. There is the possibility it is more negative on the community as a whole, than when the property next door was approved. The city has the ability to change the direction, BUT they have to WANT to do so; they have to WANT to represent the will of the community. At the same time, focus on improving infrastructure, and then allow population to grow as those areas improve. Just because everyone wants to come here doesn’t mean we can accommodate everyone right now. All over the country many people don’t live in the cities they work in, they commute due to over population and housing costs.

How has CNBRG worked with local officials to make citizen concerns heard? Are there any efforts being made to develop alternative plans for handling the growth?

CNBRG members routinely show up at city council meetings and speak to those concerns, as well as providing information to city council as to why some projects are just not a good fit for New Braunfels right now, or maybe never depending on the project and/or location. We have written emails; we have encouraged other citizens to contact their councilmen and voice their concerns. We have encouraged, assisted and coordinated with other groups and neighborhoods to organize efforts. As for the answer to alternative plans, that is a question for the city council they give us nothing. The city is about business-as-usual no matter what the citizens have to say about it or what problems or dangers it creates for the citizens of New Braunfels. We have however been able to delay a couple of projects. Some of those eventually were approved despite heavy opposition from the public. We have offered compromise, to no avail. The city to date refuses to meet or discuss these items.  We are hoping, as we continue to grow, that they will start to see the large consensus we have helped build and pay more attention to the citizens of this town. 


Don't worry, we won't send you too much content. Just a temporary link to our private server  and some important updates from time to time.


Thank you for subscribing to CNBRG.org Be patient as we are building this site. We are working to save the soul of New Braunfels. Websites are not our focus but we will be using this site to post valuable information to the people of New Braunfels rather than adding yet another social media page. Please understand.